

Small Support

A small support makes priceless happiness in someone's face.

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Support a cause

More than half of the children of India are not going to school because they have no one whom they can call family and who will work for their betterment.

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Come and join us to reduce %age of the country's population suffers from malnutrition.

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Old Age Help

Helping those who taught us how to stand.

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We need your help to become family of those neglected children who exist on this planet without existence.

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Female Help

We need your help to give support to those women whose wings got cut and living a helpless life and we want these women to show the society that age does not matter in perusing dreams.

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Help Poor Children
For Homeless

Let's join us and be a roof for them who are struggling to get a HOME

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Become Volunteer

Want any of our cause to push forward towards success. Please do join us.

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Make A Gift :*

A small gift to make our cause to be successful, we are happy to have such people.

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Reached So Far!!!

We feel proud whenever the count increases to +1. We see this +1 as putting smile on some new person's face.


-- Winston Churchill.

We the members of "DREAMS COME TRUE" need your help and support for building dreams of the people who are discarded by their own or by society. Living our own dreams is easy but giving wings to someone else dreams is quite difficult. we need your help for giving wings to the birds who don't even know they can fly. we need your support to nourish them and work for them as their own family.

Why People Choose Us

DREAMS are the gift for life and we the members of DREAMS COME TRUE want to gift dreams to the underprivileged people.


We burn the midnight oil to support the illiterate people of not only a single state but all over India. we want to prove the sentence padhe ka India to badhega India.


We help needy people to unlock their potential. we want to unite more and more people to support them in living their dreams.


We want to unite people for a good cause. The cause which gives wings to dreams of children, women or anyone who need it. we encourage and help them to undertake learning activities in a healthy atmosphere.


We want them to realize their dreams and start working on their dreams for making a better life, the life they can live freely and enjoy freely.

Our Donation Causes

Change a child's world


Total Members

Charity Programs

Our Charity Events

Change a child's world

One Day Event Ceremony

Be a helping hand !!

Somewhere along the way, we must learn that there is nothing greater than to do something for […]

Date: 14 July 2019
Location: Delhi, India